ما هى عملة Ice-ايس؟
Ice تمثل الجيل القادم من العملات الرقمية، يمكن تعدينها على أي جهاز محمول. في جوهرها، تعزز شبكة Ice ثقافة المجتمع الموثوق بها، معتقدة بأن العملات الرقمية يمكن أن تحتفظ بقيمتها عبر حالات الاستخدام المتنوعة. يتم بدء العضوية من خلال دعوات، مما يمكّن المستخدمين الجدد من كسب وبناء مجتمعات فرعية على الفور.
كيف تربح عملة ايس -Ice؟
- عن طريق تعدين العملة.
- عن طريق دعوة الاصدقاء.
- عن طريق المشاركة فى بعض الاحداث الخاصة بالعملة.
- عن طريق تخزين العملة.
💡 الأهم من ذلك كيفية اجتياز KYC ICE مع جميع الأسئلة والإجابات المذكورة في هذا المقال 💡
سأذكر جميع الخطوات السهلة:
- 1- قم بتنزيل تطبيق ICE: Decentralised Future من متجر Google Play.
- 2- سجّل مجانًا باستخدام بريدك الإلكتروني وأنشئ اسم مستخدم.
- 3- أضف المضيف للحصول على 10 عملات ICE مجانية:
إضافتي كمستخدم دعوة ستمنحك 10 عملات ICE مجانية وابدأ في التعدين واكسب 8 عملات ICE مجانية كل ساعة.
- 4- سيكون KYC عبارة عن اختبار حول ICE يتألف من 21 سؤالًا.
أدناه سأضع جميع الإجابات على الاختبار التي تحتاج إلى الإجابة عليها في 10 دقائق فقط ⬇️
اندفع الآن وأدِّ الاختبار الخاص بتطبيقك KYC 3 لتتلقى توزيع الرموز الخاصة بك والاستمرار في التعدين.
إذا فشلت في الاختبار 3 مرات، سيتم إيقاف حسابك وستفقد جميع العملات المشفرة الخاصة بك ⛔️لذلك عليك التركيز وسرعة البديهة. حتى ان فشلت سوف اقوم بمساعدتك على حل تلك المشكلة.
ملحوظة اخيرة: احيانا صيغة السؤال تختلف من كويز الى اخر لذلك عليك التركيز الافضل قراءة الاسئلة والاجابات مرة او مرتين قبل الاجابة.
قائمة بأسئلة KYC وإجاباتها ⬇️
1. How is the Pre-Stake bonus in the Ice project rewarded to users?
✅ By Increasing their mining rate.
2. What is the Ice network’s approach to governance?
✅ Decentralized, community driven governance.
3. What information can you find on the team screen in the Ice project app?
✅ The current check-in activity of your referrals.
4. What does the term halving refer to in the cryptocurrency industry?
✅ The process of reducing the issuance rate of new coins.
5. What is the bonus you and your Tier 1 friends receive when mining together?
✅ 25% bonus.
6. On what network will the Ice distribution take place?
✅ BNB Smart Chain.
7. How can users earn Ice in the Ice network?
✅ By checking in every 24 hours.
8. How does the Ice project aim to demonstrate the value and reliability of its digital coin to gain wider acceptance?
✅ By building trust with owners and users.
9. What type of bonus do you receive for friends referred by you (Tier 1) and those referred by your friends (Tier 2) in the Ice project?
✅ 25% for Tier 1 and 5% for Tier 2.
10. How often will the BNB Smart Chain distribution occur in the Ice Network?
✅ Monthly.
11. Why did the Ice project team feel the need to create a new cryptocurrency?
✅ To create a transparent, fair, and accessible cryptocurrency.
12. How are Validators selected and reelected in the Ice network?
✅ Validators are elected by the community and must be reelected every two years.
13. How many times can you benefit from the resurrection option in the Ice project?
✅ Once.
14. When are users notified about the availability of extra bonuses in the Ice project?
✅ Between 10:00 and 20:00.
15. What factors determine the total supply of Ice coins?
✅ Multiple factors, including total registered users, online miners, halving events and bonuses.
16. What blockchain technology does the Ice project use for its consensus mechanism known for its speed, security and scalability?
✅ Proof-of-Stake (POS)
17. What is the role of validators in the Ice network’s governance and operation?
✅ Validators are tasked with maintain the network’s security and availability.
18. In the Ice project, what is the purpose of the resurrection feature?
✅ To restore all slashed coins after a period of inactivity.
19. What is the primary role of the Ecosystem Growth and Innovation Pool Fund in the Ice network?
✅ To foster innovation and expand the ecosystem.
20. Does mining in the Ice network require keeping the app open all the time?
✅ No, mining doesn’t consume any phone resources.
21. What is the primary focus of the Treasury Fund in the Ice network’s financial ecosystem?
✅ Supporting research and development efforts.
22. What sets Ice apart from other cryptocurrencies in terms of mining?
✅ Ice mining requires zero energy processing power, and battery life.
23. How can a user restore lost coin due to inactivity in the Ice project?
✅ By initiating a new check-in session and choosing the resurrection option.
24. What is the staking concept similar to?
✅ Depositing money in the bank
25. What is the primary goal of the ice network?
✅ To build a decentralized ecosystem
26. What is the main advantage of ice being an open-source project?
✅ it promotes transparency and allow everyone to review the project code.
27. What make ice unique in the concept of crypto mining
✅ it allows users to mine without using their phones resources, data and battery
28. During phase 1 of the ice project, how much can users increase their mining rate through pre-staking?
✅ 250%
29. What happens to the coins of users who become inactive in the ice project?
✅ They are gradually lost through progressive slashing
30. How does the ice project encourage trust and social connection among its users?
✅ By offering bonuses based on referrals and network activity
31. How can users recover lost coins due to inactivity within the Ice project?
✅ By initiating a new check-in session and choosing the resurrection option.
32. What sets the Ice project apart from other cryptocurrency initiatives regarding user rewards?
✅ Ice rewards only active and engaged community members.
33. What function do validators fulfill in the governance and operation of the Ice network?
✅ Validators are tasked with maintaining the network’s security and availability.
34. How can you ensure smooth mining operations if you’re unable to precisely tap the Ice logo button at the conclusion of the 24-hour mining cycle?
✅ Tap and hold the Ice logo button for 1 second after 12 hours
35. What core principle of the Ice project emphasizes the significance of collaboration and cooperation among individuals with positive intentions?
✅ Transparency
36. How do users invite their friends to join their team on Ice?
✅ By sharing their referral code from the app.